DOE Legacy PKI Root Certificates

Energy IT Services (Issued May 2011)

CA (KCP Issued October 2002)

Headquarters (Issued February 2003)

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Issued June 2023)

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Issued July 2004)

Los Alamos National Laboratory (Issued October 2002)

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Issued March 2002)

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Issued September 2016)

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (Issued August 2001)

Pantex Plant (Issued April 2002)

Sandia National Laboratories (Issued February 2002)

Sandia National Laboratories (Issued May 2014)

Y-12 National Security Complex (Issued May 2002)

Y12CA1 (Issued September 2013)


Directions for MAC OS

1.             Click

Directions for Linux (some distributions)

1.               Create a new folder on your Linux desktop.  Name it “INL Certs”.

2.               Click à  Save the file to the “INL Certs” folder on your desktop

3.               Click à   Save the file to the “INL Certs” folder on your desktop

4.               Click à   Save the file to the “INL Certs” folder on your desktop

5.               Click à   Save the file to the “INL Certs” folder on your desktop

6.               Click à   Save the file to the “INL Certs” folder on your desktop

7.               Click à   Save the file to the “INL Certs” folder on your desktop

8.               Open a terminal window by right clicking the “INL Certs” folder on your desktop and selecting “Open terminal here”.

9.               Issue the following command: sudo cp *.crt   /usr/local/share/ca-certificates

10.                        Issue the following command: sudo update-ca-certificates


Directions for importing certificates into FireFox  Click Here